Effective 3 August 2021
These terms and conditions apply to the use of your Card through Apple Pay on a Compatible Device. These Apple Pay Terms and Conditions are in addition to and must be read in conjunction with Bank First’s Terms and Conditions: Part A - Product Information and Terms and Conditions: Part B - Fees and Charges. However, if there is any inconsistency between them, these Apple Pay Terms and Conditions will apply to the extent of any inconsistency. By registering and using your Card in Apple Pay you agree to these terms and conditions.
Apple means Apple Pty Limited ABN 46 002 510 054 and/or its related bodies corporate and affiliates.
Apple Pay means the payment platform created by Apple for making payments using a Compatible Device and a Card registered on such a device.
Compatible Device is any Apple device used to facilitate the use of Apple Pay. For a full list of compatible Apple Pay devices, see https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT208531
Card means your Bank First Visa Debit Card or Visa Credit Card.
PIN means Personal Identification Number used to access the Card or Compatible Device.
we us, and our is a reference to Bank First.
you or your is a reference to the Cardholder.
Registration of your Card to Apple Pay is subject to us verifying you and is at the discretion of Bank First.
We do not make any guarantees that Apple Pay will be accepted at all merchants.
We are not the provider of Apple Pay and are not responsible for its use and function. You should contact Apple if you have questions concerning how to use Apple Pay or problems with Apple Pay.
Bank First is not liable for any loss you suffer as a result of using Apple Pay, including without limitation, a merchant refusing to accept Apple Pay or any error, defect or unavailability of Apple Pay.
Bank First will not be liable for any loss caused by your fraud or use of Apple Pay or the Compatible Device in a manner not permitted by Apple.
Bank First does not charge a fee to allow use of your Card with Apple Pay on a Compatible Device.
You will need to pay any third party fees associated with the use of Apple Pay on a Compatible Device.
All applicable Bank First fees and charges relating to the use of your Card still apply.
WARNING: The account owner will be liable where a cardholder does not comply with the below security precautions and they will not be able to rely on the protections from liability contained within the Terms and Conditions Part A – Product Information pertaining to unauthorised transactions.
You agree to protect, and keep confidential, information which is required for you to make purchases with your Card using Apple Pay, including any PIN. The PIN must not be disclosed to anyone else (including family members) and a record of the PIN must not be kept with the Compatible Device, or with or in anything with which the Compatible Device is stored unless reasonable steps have been taken to protect the PIN.
You must not use any easy to guess or decipher PIN such as your birthday or any other number associated with you.
Your biometric identifiers (e.g. fingerprint or facial recognition) must be the only biometric identifiers registered on your Compatible Device.
You must ensure that only you access the Compatible Device to use Apple Pay and that it is not accessed or used by anyone else, even if that person has your permission;
You must ensure the Compatible Device is locked at all times when it is not being used, and is not left unattended in a non-secure environment.
You are required to install the latest Apple iOS software updates to your Compatible Device.
If your Compatible Device has been lost or stolen, or you believe your Compatible Device has been compromised, you must report this to us immediately. You must give us all the information about the loss, theft or misuse.
You must remove any Card details from the Compatible Device before disposing of the Compatible Device.
You are required to contact us immediately if you suspect fraud associated with the use of your Apple Pay on a Compatible Device has occurred. Liability for such transactions will be determined in accordance with our Terms and Conditions: Part A - Product Information and the ePayments Code.
Bank First will suspend or cancel the Card within Apple Pay if you ask us.
You or an Additional Cardholder breach these terms and conditions.
Apple suspends or terminates Apple Pay.
We reasonably exercise our right, at any time and for any reason, to block you from adding a Card to Apple Pay, suspend your ability to use a Card to make purchases using Apple Pay, or cancel your ability to continue to use a Card in Apple Pay.
Your information is handled in accordance with Bank First’s Privacy Policy.
We may exchange information about you with Apple and card scheme networks to set up and facilitate use of Apple Pay on a Compatible Device. The data collection and handling practices of each party are in accordance with their respective privacy policy (available at apple.com/au/ and eftposaustralia.com.au).
Further information about our products and services is available on our website at bankfirst.com.au or by contacting us on 1300 654 822. The information contained in these Terms and Conditions is current at the time of issue.
Apple and Apple Pay are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
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The information provided on this website does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, you should firstly consider the appropriateness of this information and refer to the Terms and Conditions or the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before acquiring a product. These documents are available at our branches or by contacting us on 1300 654 822.